Frozen (ZH) (a skirmish map for C&CG Zero Hour) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction _____________________________________________________________________________________ This is a 2 vs 2 team map. You can also play Free-for-all and 1 vs 1 games with it. It is set in a snow covered iceberg. The weather is a slight snow. Lighting is set to afternoon. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please Note _____________________________________________________________________________________ It is suggested that you use this map on a high end machine. For online games it is advised that you use a stable ADSL or cable internet connection. If you have a lower end machine you can lower the effects levels appropriately to speed up gameplay. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Features _____________________________________________________________________________________ - Music scripting - Fully functional AI for skirmish play - Fair layout for every player - Weather effects - Just enough room to suit each type of General - Multiple chances at using various tactics to win - Tech buildings that enhance your position - Intact vehicles from previous battles can be captured by players - Mulitple routes into each base - Ambient sounds set mood * All tech buildings except oil derricks are invulnerable * Oil Derricks have been boobytrapped by GLA forces _____________________________________________________________________________________ Public Testing _____________________________________________________________________________________ To make sure that the maps that I make are quite a high standard I have now launched a public testing policy. After I release a map you can report bugs or landscape issues to If enough bugs or errors have been reported I will fix them and rerelease the map. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Installation _____________________________________________________________________________________ To install read the instructions in the Zero Hour manual on page 41. _____________________________________________________________________________________ My Website _____________________________________________________________________________________ If you like my maps please take the time to visit my website: _____________________________________________________________________________________ This C&C Generals Zero Hour skirmish map was created by Dean K on the 10th of January 2003. This map is copyright Dean Krause 2003.